25 March 2010

Thursday PM.

I'm all snuggled into my bed with my linen candle lit while andrew is out in the living room listening to Ben Folds and googling bigger cars. No, we're not expecting, but as with any fertile young couple, you can go ahead and hold your breath. Our current car is getting a bit cramped and once #3 is on the way we'll need a plan B. So, we google.
Let's see...my day improved. Andrew came home a little early and we had dinner at Taco Cabana and then went to Lowes and Albertsons for the essentials. When we got home, Lucy watched Caillou and we parents hit the couch HARD for some tv and a nap for Daddy. Perfection. Now it's 11 and we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow. The girls and I are going to hit the gym early and then take a little trip to Petsmart to see the animals. We missed half price day at the zoo, so I'm improvising. If that doesn't happen, we may head to the Children's Museum in the afternoon for some fun. Then again, naps today were awesome so we might do better with Petsmart and a trip to the playground. I could probably use the time around here in the afternoon anyway...I'll certainly need a hammock nap by then.

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