01 July 2008

The Trouble with Redheads, Part Deux

So, yesterday Lucy woke up in her Orioles onesie and insisted on putting her pink pajama top on over it. She looked ridiculous but was so proud of the way she picked out her clothes. Such a big girl!

As you can see, her pilot's license has been suspended and Lucy is grounded until the FAA can determine if she's been drinking on the job.

Don't those pigtails add more mischief??

Andrew took this pic and it makes her face look so fat we had to add it!

Here is Lucy waiting for the bus today, getting into lots of trouble!

So maybe it's not just a cruising altitude problem...Lucy takes her water bottle EVERYWHERE! Here she is all buckled in on the bus, having a drink and watching the cars go by.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I have to say that your dad and I are celebrating out 13TH ANNIVERSARY today!

I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband and two step-daughters who became my family when I met and married your dad, now grandchildren too...Thank you Laura...it has been a rocky road at times but I truly love where we are now.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

She's so animated! Geesh do I love her...

Love, Andrew/Daddy