01 July 2008

The trouble with redheads...

Well, I have a LOT of cute pictures to upload, but Blogger is being absolutely ridiculous, so I'll post this one and try again in a little bit. This is Lucy and I kissing. Daddy was at work so I had to hold the camera AND direct her slobbery little lips, but it worked well! Lucy loves to kiss and is constantly trying to give me a big sloppy one! She does, however, linger longer than is socially acceptable. I think this may be due to the fact that she watches Andrew and I kiss and we, too, linger longer than is socially acceptable. This is healthy for her parents; less healthy for her future friendships. We're going to work on the "hello peck" in the coming days.

This was the only kiss I caught without her tongue hanging out- she loves to lick you across the face and dissolve into giggles. This is not something she learned from Andrew and I, I swear.


Anonymous said...

Oh Laura,

I do remember the lingering kisses as well. Yep, I think the kids watching their mamas and daddy's is where they get their inclination to give a longer kiss!

So cute though.

Lucy is growing so fast. It is good she likes her water. Meg always has a water bottle too! Great habit to have.

Thanks so much for keeping your family in PA up-to-date with pictures.

We can't wait to see you and Lucy too!

Tammy (Grandma)

Kate said...

This is so sweet!