19 August 2011

More plumbing work.

I called my mom today, and before she even said hi, she asked, "You're not calling with a plumbing problem, are you? Nina's ceilings are falling in and I can't take any more plumbing phone calls." I answered, "Well, kind of. I bought two cloth diapers."

I'm a disposable diaper gal. Cloth diapers seem so...permanent. Disposables say to me, "Don't worry, Laura! This'll be over in a snap!" Cloth diapers say, "Buckle up, girlfriend. If  you didn't want another 3 years of diapers, you shoulda been sleeping on the couch." So here I am, staring down the barrel of 3 more years of diapering, in the middle of which we'll turn up expecting again because I have yet to brush up on the Creighton method, so that's...5 more years? Plus another 2 for #5...that puts me at somewhere aroound 7-10 years of diapers, plus any "surprise" babies that come along after that. That's a LOT of diapers. Thousands, even. My head is spinning. So much poop.

But I digress. Cloth diapers are more work, yes. But it's not like I do much more than change diapers, play house and dream up crockpot meals and make pot roasts and whatnot. For some reason I'm suddenly reminded of a weird joke the Bomboys have in their family about Jean Bomboy "cooking a pot roast" when in fact it's the last thing she'd ever do. She always say, "Dinner? There's a pot roast in the oven," but in all actuality there was probably never a pot roast in the oven. That may be the only thing she and I will ever have in common. I doubt there will ever be a pot roast in my oven. They're gross. That's just way too much cow for one meal.

Now I'm totally off topic. I'm waiting for my diaper budget to approved by our CFO. (I'm the COO, clearly.) Just ask Lucy, God is our CEO. She's on this whacky trip lately about "who's in charge of the family." Andrew and I were mature and team-oriented and we went with, "God's in charge of our family, and Mommy and Daddy work for Him to help our family be the best it can be." Somehow she's still running around here telling me that "Daddy's in charge." As if that's the best position to take when you're left with Mommy all day. Kids. Hmph.

Now I'm off track again.

Disposables - about $1k a year. And we use Luvs, because we're cheap.

Cloth - about $300 over the span of three years. Maybe $500 as we have more babies and have to rotate in new diapers. And Claire's bumper will be wrapped up in softness.

CFO? Are you reading this?

Now I've gotten totally off track.


Emily said...

I am going to re-stress that cloth diapers are not more work. It's a myth! Sure, you might not have to launder disposables, but you have to run to the store all the time to buy more. Take that off your list of things to do. You have to pack a giant box of disposables for vacation vs. a handful of cloth. No diaper rash = no diaper cream. Less trash means no diaper genie and/or less trash bags used! Plus think of all those diapers you were just talking about sitting in a landfill... and you're ONE family! Cloth is the way to go :)

Lisa Marie said...

That's so funny... all Em's talk about fuzzibunz had me thinking about cloth diapers too. I wouldn't have the strength to do them when they are little... but when you're looking at only 5 ish diapers a day... and potty training, I figure, why not? michael and I are discussing switching to cloth for Ben. I really think it will amount to whether I have the strength to do all the extra laundry and how much extra it amounts to! good luck! loveya :)

Manik said...

Wait, did you say baby #5!?!?