21 August 2007

Can't Take It Anymore....

Last night was night four in the Sleep Strike of 2007. Lucy was up every hour from 10pm to 6:30am. I got an hour and a half of sleep when Andrew brought her to bed at 6:30 and she nursed and slept next to me til 8. That was my longest stretch of sleep since Thursday. I'm delirious. When will this end??


April said...

I am so sorry. Please know that Tim and I are right there with you in the lack of sleep department!

Tricia said...

oh bless your heart...it will end...at some point!! Is the swaddler no working any more? What about white noise..like fan?

Hope you get some sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Babe!
She's probably just having a growth spurt, and she'll get back into a routine in no time. You're doing a great job!