22 August 2007

Night 5 Of The Great Sleep Strike of '07

Ah, well...it's still in full swing, ladies and gents. Last night was a whopper!

7:45- Andrew takes Lu out for a walk so we can keep her up til at LEAST 8:30.
8:10- They come back. Lucy is fast asleep. I wake her up and drag her around awake until 8:30.
8:30- She goes down right away, like always.
10:48- We go to bed, and I plan to set my alarm to dreamfeed her at midnight to get her through to 5 or so without eating. My plan, per Grandma, is to fill her up around midnight and then let her fuss for a few minutes when she wakes up, and then pacify her and let her put herself to sleep. Excellent plan.
1:11- I wake up and realize I did not feed her at midnight. Since I'm up and she's wiggling around, I feed her while she's sleeping and put her back to bed.
1:30- Up. Pacify, back down.
2:00- Up. Pacify, back down.
2:30- Up. Pacify, back down.
3:00- Up. Pacify, back down.
3:30- Up. Pacify, back down.
4:00- Up. Pacify, back down.
4:30- Up. Pacify, back down. As I'm drifting to sleep for my next 20 minute snooze, I think to myself, "I totally forgot to let her fuss at all, all night long." Mad at myself, I go back to sleep.
4:46- Lucy comes to bed with us to nurse. Sleeps like a champ til 7:15.
7:15- Up to play with Mommy, who closely resembles the walking dead.
8:30- Nursing and Naptime with Mommy
10:30- Up for lunch and visit with Aunt Suz.
1:30- Naptime.

Now Daddy might be coming home sick. Mommy is going to try to snooze for a few minutes. Tootles, y'all.

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