21 August 2007

A Tuesday to end all Tuesdays.

So today was Kindermusik orientation, so we get all dressed up in our cutest outfits to go to Allegany College to meet Miss Ann.

Lucy sat up all by herself for Miss Ann!

She had SUCH a good time!

When we got home, she spent a little while pulling clothes out of her bin, and Mommy was very impressed that she was standing up by herself for so long! So proud Mommy turned on the flash to get a better picture....
...and had to catch Lucy as she knocked her head on the floor...she recovered.
After Daddy got home and ate dinner, Lucy spent some more time practicing her sitting.
and playing with Mama.

Andrew & Lucy went on a walk, leaving late (~745pm) in hopes of keeping Lucy up later than her usual 730pm bedtime so that she'd sleep more at night. Andrew decided to walk to the library to return some movies...

... about 1/2 way to the library Lucy was completely out while sitting upright in the backpack on Andrew's back. Here's a picture of her demise. Sleep is just too wonderful for her to resist!!!

Note: She did not sleep better.

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

Your daughter is too cute!
Those pictures are so precious!
I'm sorry you are so tired. I will really pray for you tonight.