24 August 2007


Today is a good day. Maybe one of my best in a very long time.
Lucy slept last night! She didn't sleep through the night, but she only woke up twice! Of course, she fell asleep via screaming fit at 10, so....oh well. She went down at 10, which I think was due to Aunt Suz's visit- way too overstimulated. I'm betting tonight will be very smooth. She ate at 2:30, and again at 4:30, and slept til 8! Woo!!
We got up and got dressed this morning, and then we walked to the bank and down to the school to buy Andrew's books for the semester. We stopped by Res Life to see Miss Bonnie and Miss Susie- Lucy loves them!
It turned out to be blistering hot today, which is not cool at all. I thought I was going to have a nice, foggy walk and that it would be nice and cool. No dice. I was sweating like crazy coming back up that hill! Ugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goody! Things seem to be getting changed around a bit. And at the same time you are having fun and are happy - even when lacking some sleep!
This too shall pass, huh?
Enjoying the pictures a lot and the blog entries. It sure helps in keeping us up-to-date on things.
Hugs, and God bless.
Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dick
"The GREAT Grandparents"