23 August 2007

Night 6 and Other News

Well, Night 6 was...the same as usual. I did, however, nurse her when she really woke up, about 3 times, and she seemed happier. I think she's in a major growth spurt. Lucy isn't much of a comfort nurser, and usually only wants to nurse if she's hungry, so I went on her cues and just fed her when she got up. She was a much more chipper girl today, and I think that tonight I might just crash on the couch, turn off the monitor and not jump up to her squeaks. I think that whatever it is, she's starting to come out of it.
We went to Wal-Mart this morning, just to wander around and kill some time. We came back this afternoon and waited for the plumber, and Lucy is down for a nap after a good long wrestle. Aunt Suz will be here tonight, and I'd like Lu to stay up later, so I'm hoping she naps for a good long time. I'm not sure it'll make much difference. It seems like 8pm is her bedtime regardless of her nap schedule. Lucy is just such a funny kid. She's so serious about hitting milestones, sticking to her routine and getting down to the business of growing up. She's so direct and cut-and-dry. She's been that way since the day she was born. I remember her looking around when they pulled her out of me, as if she was thinking, "Mm-hmm, okay, I can work with this." She's just so determined. When I put her down for her nap today, she just refused. She never does that. But today, she wanted to fall asleep on my shoulder, something she hasn't done since she was about 2 weeks old. She's a back sleeper. Not today! She just kept at it until I put her where she wanted to be and she could do her thing.
She's turning into such an interesting person. She loves it when I tell stories in different voices, and she loves it when I yell. This could be a big problem. On the other hand, she doesn't like it when "people" yell. She realized today that she loves it when I talk into her belly, so we did that for a good while.
I think we're going to start solids in a couple weeks. This will be Daddy's department. I think he'll like doing her dinners a lot. We're going to start with rice cereal, but I think that'll be enough to keep her occupied. I think she's going to love solids. This will be a big step in her plan for world domination. All great leaders use utensils!


Jennifer Merkel said...

Actually, I'm not sure that Atilla the Hun was really into utensils.
Yes, our dear Lucy is a very determined little girl!
Look at the bright side though, by the time she is about three she will be doing the bills and the budget.

Anonymous said...

I would say Miss Lucy takes after her Mother, who worked at staying up on all that was going on from the time she was pretty darned little. Like Mother, like Daughter!! Lilly Ann will straighten both of you out, you know. You just wait!!
Your ever loving Grandma Susie