10 August 2007

The Day In Pictures!

Lucy and I had a quiet morning here at home, where she hung out in her bouncer while Mommy showered and got ready to go.

We packed up all the cookies to take to the hospital, and loaded everything up in the car!

After we dropped the cookies and did a couple laps around the mall, we met Daddy at Arby's for lunch. Here is Lu waiting anxiously for her Pops!

Once she realized she was only there to watch us eat and drool for Daddy's coworkers, she had all sorts of faces for us!


Jennifer Merkel said...

Oh boy, those are too cute!
I HAVE to order all those!

Anonymous said...

Laura, you are sure a great photographer. The pic. of Lucy in the mirror are so cute! She is such a "character". We can see that already!
Life will always be very interesting with Lucy in your lives. Have fun!
Love, Grandma Susie