10 March 2009


There are so few safe places to hide an infant from a determined toddler. I feel like that chick from Children of Men. Lucy wants to play with Molly and Molly just doesn't feel the same way. Right now she's in the bottom of the Pack-n-Play, wrapped in a blanket, sleeping very quietly. It's almost like camo in a way.
I took pain meds this morning. Molly was up at midnight, 3, 4 and 5. And a few times in between. We have some kinks to work out in our new room, apparently. Hopefully tonight we can cluster feed around 11 and sleep better. :-( I also put her in her nest in the PNP, and that was probably part of the recipe for disaster. So tonight, she sleeps in her nest in our bed. Sigh.
Well, Andrew's off to work. With any luck the Percocet with carry my through the morning in good spirits. I have a few things to organize. I'm starting to think that this whole two-kid thing is all about systems. Of course, coming from the child of a professional organizer, I would say my entire life is all about systems. Too bad I abandoned all of them in the last weeks of my pregnancy. Mom will be here Thursday to get me back on track. Until then...I'm holding on.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

When you figure out a system, let me know. It's been almost 6 weeks and I'm still all over the place :P