10 March 2009


Lucy is FINALLY in bed. She refused to nap today, so it's been long and ugly. I really needed the nap more than she did...we made it to 7 and she was very happy to see her crib! Molly is sacked out in the swing after her first tub bath. Her umbilical stump still hasn't fallen off, but there was no way a sponge bath was going to clean her first projectile vomit in the proper way, so we just went ahead with a regular bath. Lucy was very excited to have her sister "in the tub" with her and had a blast pouring water on Molly's legs while I washed her. Lucy is just in love with Molly! I thought we were going to have a little jealousy issue tonight when I told Lucy to find something to do because Molly was awake and I wanted to play with her. Lucy just pulled out some toys and sat on the floor next to the couch, chattering away while I played with Molly. I know it's only day 2, but she hasn't had a sister-related meltdown in almost 2 weeks, so I think we're doing great. She's definitely expressing some feelings about the change, but she's really trying to keep it together and use her crazy antics to get attention instead of melting down constantly, which I appreciate. As long as I remember to respond to all of her talking, she seems to be doing fine adjusting to Molly. She helped me change a diaper for the first time today and she was just tickled pink when I let her unbutton Molly's onesie and help me wipe Molly's tooshie. She's such a little mama and she's having a blast taking care of her sister. 
Fabulous behavior aside, I'm still completely wiped out. Andrew has promised me a shower, a massage and lots of toddler-free cuddling when he gets home from class, so I just need to survive the next hour and a half. I'm feeling ok, but I think tomorrow I'll definitely be slowing it down and just hanging out on the couch with Lucy for the most part. We have our first toddler-time with Molly in tow, so that will be very fun. Other than that, we're going to have a very low-key day! I just want to cook dinner for my hubby tomorrow night. I'm not quite back into the swing of EVERYTHING, so I'm hoping to have a nice, hot dinner on the table for him tomorrow night!

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