19 August 2010

Denim Duo

Do you ever look at your most worn pair jeans and think, "what on earth would I wear if I didn't have you?!"

That's how I feel about Andrew. He's a little softer every time I pull him out of the dryer, doesn't mind mud on his cuffs, hugs my butt well...you know, just like my best jeans.

Oh, be serious. You know what I mean! What on earth would I do without him? Just like my favorite jeans, he's a constant. Only good surprises.
We're coming up on 5 years of marriage. That's a lot of marriage for someone who's relatively new to the whole business. It's been the easiest, silliest, sunniest, funniest 5 years of my life.

What do I look forward to? On February 4th, 2076, I'm going to type, "wow! 70 years already?!?" and I'll pat his knee and say, "okay - posted. Now let's go to bed - I've got spin class in the morning!" and he'll just smile at me. Cause I'm 96 and awesome, and he's 97 and going fishing in the morning.

The difference between my jeans and my husband? I probably won't turn him into cutoffs, and I'll never outgrow the love of a man like him.

- Posted with love from my iPhone


Suzzy said...

oh how CUTE! i'm totally stealing this metaphor one day.

Jessica T. said...

LOVED this post! You say it so very, very, very well (the way I feel about my husband - you just can write/say it oh so much better than I can!). Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this afternoon! -Jess T.