05 August 2010

Here's Your Stinkin' Update!

Okay, it looks like we have some answers and things are going to be just fine.

I had an appointment this morning and it was determined that the progesterone is what is keeping everything from progressing normally. My OB said that if I hadn't been taking it, I would have had my period by now. So I'm to stop taking it tonight, and should have a relatively normal period within the next week or so. Thank goodness we've figured all of that out! He said that the pregnancy likely ended within just days of implantation and it wouldn't have seemed like much more than a late period, had I not tested early, known early and called him when I got so sick.

I'm not upset. I'm really doing fine. It was very, very early, barely a blip on the pregnancy radar. I never had symptoms, never felt pregnant and we had a lot of time in the past week to get used to the idea of the pregnancy not continuing.
My OB said that I'm free to do whatever the heck we want, and we can try again immediately. I don't know if we will - we weren't trying before, so I'm not really sure if we're "trying" now. Of course, we never prevent either, so whatever! His timing is always perfect!

In the meantime, I have a LOT to do and get done around here! We're planning a family vacation, Lucy's starting her first year of preschool, soccer season is almost upon us and I'm just getting into a great gym routine. We have a very full Fall season planned, and we're going to start working more intensively with Molly, to see if we can tackle some of her behavioral issues. She's a doll, and I can't get enough of her, but she's very, very intense and something is triggering some VERY crazy days for her. I don't think it's normal 18-month-old behavior, but I can't exactly pin it down. I think we're going to work out cutting out food dyes and see if that makes a small difference at first. I think she has allergies, but I'm just not sure WHAT she's allergic to. I think we'll start with getting her diet a little more pure and go from there. She's really starting to talk, but my mother's intuition has always made me question her general health. It just feels like something isn't quite right - she seems uncomfortable and unhappy - like her highs are very high and her lows are very, very low. I'd like to get a handle on it so that she can learn to express herself a little better and respond to discipline. For the most part, I can handle her. But her crazy days are really something. She actually feels "crazed" to me. Something has to be setting her off- I just don't know what!
In other news, we got her a teeting necklace and it's been life changing! She hasn't had a snotty nose since the night we put it on. It's pretty much a MIRACLE. I'll keep you updated on that one - so far, amazing!
Well, I'm rambling now! Tomorrow is Andrew's birthday, so we're going to spend this afternoon getting the house all cleaned up and then after spin tonight, I'm going to send Andrew home with the gals so that I can do a little birthday shopping! I'm SO excited about his birthday! Lucy is also very, very excited. She's so cute. She can't stop talking about all the singing we're going to do! Love that little turkey!


Life in the Nutbowl said...

Glad you have some answers. I am even happier that you have so many positive things going on! You are an amazing wife and mother...even more so you are an amazing and inspiring woman. Thanks for sharing your life with us. :)
Wish you still lived in Maryland!
Really interested to see what happens with the 18m behavioral experiment.
I agree, teething necklaces saved my life!

SpunkyToes said...

Hugs. Glad you have answers and can move on. Wishing you luck when you are ready.

I hear you on the behavior (from both my kids)!!! We are trying to cut out Red Dye. It's hard - it is everywhere!

emily said...


I'm so sorry to hear about the baby. I'm glad to hear that you are doing ok. I'll pray for Molly, too.

Stay strong and trust in God. With Him, you are super-mommy!