19 November 2009

Molly Cooke Cracking UP - 19 NOV 2009

I absolutely dare you to not watch all three of these clips. All under a minute long... this explains why parents keep having kids. They make the world a better place! Despite all our adult trials & tribulations, we should always be able to laugh and play as hard as my little 8.5 mo. bundle of joy.



Jennifer Merkel said...

THAT is just hilarious!!! I love her little screech when she laughs! Give her a big hug and a kiss!

Katie E. said...

Love it!!! I can't wait to have baby-laughs in my house again! :)

Lisa Marie said...

OH. MY. GOSH. I can't tell you how much I needed that today!!! I love it! Molly, my little joy, you have absolutely made my day- I love you so much!!! Love, Aunt Lisa
p.s. Thanks for posting these, They are SO GREAT!