09 November 2009

Today I did something very out of the ordinary for me.
The past few days I've been out of sorts. Adjusting to a new place is tough, especially when you don't know anyone. I'm a big entertainer and I'm usually the one who hosts and down here I feel like a guest. I have a hard time inserting myself into a group or community because I'm usually the one who creates the group.
That said, I went to a yoga class where I didn't know a soul, right in the middle of fall session! It was huge, and I'm actually sore. I'm in pretty good shape, but yoga was bending things I didn't know could bend! I'm excited to start doing a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday routine in addition to my regular workouts. I need something to balance out my cardio and weight training and I think yoga will be perfect.
Otherwise, we had a pretty quiet weekend. Lucy was really starting to kick up her heels and test some major boundaries yesterday, so after a long talk with Katie and some discussion with Andrew, I think we're back on track. She is now the proud recipient of a wooden time-out bench, and boy did that change her outloook quick! We're also working in getting at least 3 hours a day outside, even if it's just running in circles in the yard. She's happiest outside, and depriving a child of time to play in the grass is like neglecting to change a fish's water. Luckily, we're in a dry climate where we can usually leave toys out overnight, and we had a very tall privacy fence, so being outside more isn't a big issue for me. We also have a playground very close to our house and usually head over to play there at least once a day. The hot weather will be a challenge, but we can play in the early mornings and late at night. Texas summers are hot, but boy is it delicious to get out for a late night walk!
So, we're working on our attitudes and this week is only going to get better. Tomorrow we have our first social event and I'm psyched!
- Laura

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