19 March 2011

Happy 2am!

You know I love being pregnant. I don't even mind the incredible heartburn, the nausea that comes back once the baby is huge and rolling, the swelling, the contractions...I find it to be mostly doable.

What I can't handle is the excruciating shooting ligament pains in both sides of my inadequate pelvis every single time I want to roll over in bed. That couple with the fact that my hips and sciatic nerves are shot make the nights almost as painful as the evenings. Poor me. I just miss rolling over in bed with wanting to scream. It really makes everything pale in comparison.

Going house-browsing in 7 hours - gotta find our little piece of the American Dream before somebody else gets a better deal on it! Will update later - anything to keep me out of this bed. :-(

1 comment:

Courage8 said...

Are we EVER going to be glad to see Baby Tex "in person!" Life will be better for you in so many ways - like being able to hold Baby Tex, among other things!!