31 March 2011

Yesterday was one of the most exhausting days we've had in months. We had a great time, but the girls were positively tripping over themselves when they finally got to bed an hour late. By the same token, I thought I was just going to pass straight into the hereafter by the time I passes out on the couch an hour after they went to bed.
It's now 4am and Lucy's been up three times in the past 45 minutes with "scary things." Everytime she starts screaming, I have to hurtle out of bed to console her, which also means consoling Molly too, because Molly's got at least another 4 hours of sleep in her and is starting to get a little peeved by all the emotion. I'd normally just bring Lucy into bed with me, but that gets Molly into fairness mode, which opens up a new can of worms. The worst part is that I keep thinking Lucy's back to sleep, and then she winds up again. I would really like to just burrow back under my flannel comforter and go back to sleep, but getting out of bed over and over is painful and more tiring than just sitting at the end of my bed and blogging from my phone. I would send Andrew, but eventually he'll get tired of consoling and in his sleepy stupor will grab her to bring her to our bed, not at all aware of the Molly-quences of such an action. (read: fairness alert!)
"From your phone?" you think? Why, yes. My hard drive decided that it could no longer continue to do all that hard work I was requiring. You know, checking email? So I had to take it in (a mere 2 weeks after that warranty expired) and have the hard drive replaced and cloned, and I bought some more ram while we were at it. I just live on the edge, I suppose. So that's been gone a week and I've been doing everything from my phone...which is why I haven't blogged a picture or video in what may seem like light years. Sit tight, folks. Better days are ahead.
I can't decide if it's safe to go back to sleep yet. The longer I'm awake, however, the more I realize that I haven't eaten in quite some time. Doing the math, I'd say it's about 8 hours. For a pregnant snacker, that's really not ideal. Every minute I'm awake is another I'm thinking about apple cinnamon cheerios. But if I crinkle the bag, one of my crumb-crunchers will definitely have some sort of issue and all I'll have to show for my efforts will be a bowl of cheerios minus the crunch. The laws of parenting say that if I put my head on that pillow, I'm going to be answering a wail.

...I was right. Freakout #4. I ran like crazy and grabbed Lucy and put my hand over her mouth like a child-napper. I pretty much threw her out the bedroom door action-movie style and then arranged her remaining blankets to look like a sleeping child and closed the door enough to confuse a wakeful 2-year-old, should she come to and realize she's been duped by the entire family.

Y'all, this deceptive parenting thing is wearing me out.

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