01 April 2009

April, finally.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a long winter. I think being pregnant contributed to that fact, but still. I can't believe it's April. I have two babies in my arms. I've been married over three years. I'm almost 26.
I remember dating Andrew and thinking, "I just want to be married to him. I just want to snuggle with him while we watch a movie and not have to drive home. I want to decide when to have a baby. Or two. Or three. Or more. I want to call him and tell him what's for dinner. I want to yell at him for using all the hot water."
I was a pretty young bride and lots of people told me that the first few years of marriage are the most difficult. Not for us. They were nothing short of perfection. With three blissful years behind us, we head into "regular old married life" and boy is it sweet. As I sit here eating my egg sandwich and listening to Mickey Mouse Cluhouse, I think to myself, "Could life be any better?"
Still, even the happiest homes get restless over the winter. I took Lucy and Molly to the park yesterday and it was just gorgeous and warm and perfect. Molly napped in her stroller under the mountain sunshine and Lucy played with Cory while I visited with his mom, Erin. As we left the park, I noticed that the Frostburg Freeze is opening on April 1st. Today! The Freeze is a big deal around here, because we live in a small town with very little excitement. I'm sure it'll be busy tonight, but I think I'm going to petition Andrew for a visit for photo opps. I mean, it's Mo's first Frostburg summer! We really do need to take advantage.

Lucy woke up coughing. A nasty, barky cough. I really hope it's just a morning yuckiness thing and not a new sickness. I would really love to have a healthy family for another week or so. I've been pretty spoiled these past few months, but still...I just don't want Molly getting sick at such a young age. I suppose that's harder when you have a floor-licking toddler, but one can dream.
I should really get the girls dressed and super-prioritize my day, but I'm SO tired and sleepy. I just want to curl up under a blanket and snooze. We were up til midnight watching Slumdog Millionaire. What an awesome, great, thoughtful movie. I love, love, loved it!

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