09 April 2009


Seen in Cooke House this morning:

Mommy is sitting at the dining room table, happily working on her eggs. Molly is in her swing, starting to wake up from a morning nap. Lucy is playing with the salt and pepper shakers. Lucy darts out of the room and is talking to Molly. "Hi Mawee! Shh, shh, shh, hi baaayyyyybeeee!! You sweep good! Hiiiii Mawweeee!!" (Somebody has been listening to Mama's baby talk too much)
Mommy looks over at the swing. Lucy is PICKING MOLLY UP and has her halfway out of the swing, crooning away about how wonderfully she "swept." Mommy jumps out of her chair and dashes to the swing to "help" Lucy carry Molly somewhere. Holding Molly by the armpits while Lucy "carries" her, arms around baby's waist, the trio slowly makes their way to the couch to "Hode Mawee" for awhile.

I'm going gray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is TOO cute! Mawee is so fortunate to have you as a "babyguard". My goodness, Lucy is just the little mother, isn't she? Loved this blog entry. Thanks for sharing such a cute story.
Love, Grandma Susie