15 April 2009

Toaster Fun!

When you think of all the reasons a person would have to buy a new toaster, what comes to mind? If you answered, "Because my toddler shoved handfuls of dyed pasta down the slots," you would be correct. We do not keep our toaster plugged in and Lucy likes to pull it out of the cabinet and push buttons and things. Remember the melted baby spoon in the toaster? I think this one's way better.

We're going 100% TV-free today. It's already been awesomely eventful. Lucy was starting to like Playhouse Disney a bit too much, so now the TV is off until 8pm every day. Period. I'm going to go insane.


Jessica said...

Good luck with the TV thing! I find that as long as the weather is nice and we can get outside, my toddler doesn't think about it!

Katie E. said...

"Here lies a brave, brave woman, driven to her death by insanity."


Seriously though, good for you for turning off the tube. We won't be watching TV today either, I'll be at Target buying all the puppy-poo cleaning essentials they have in stock.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the toaster. Lucy is just too good a "cooke"!!
Good idea about the t.v. It's a good thing for kids to learn they don't have to rely on t.v. being on a whole lot. Make it a treat every once in awhile!
Love you guys,
Grandma Susie