02 February 2010

11pm on a Tuesday.

My anniversary is in like, 24 hours. I still don't know if we're doing gifts. If we are...I need to think on that.
Molly had totally upped her nursing and our old "once a day" routine from last week is not going to cut it. Her 40 minute nurse-and-snuggle sessions are totally whacking me out, supply-wise. Don't get me wrong- I love the cuddling, but we need to figure this out! My poor body doesn't know if it should be working hard or hardly working. At least I have a happy baby. I think her sudden renewed interest has a lot to do with the fact that she's about 30 seconds from being a WALKER! So exciting! She's just tickled to death over her new talent. However, as exciting as it is, getting ready to do something big always reminds babies that the need some more time with Mama. I'm guessing that within about two weeks, we'll have two bipedal kiddies! Can't wait to see if this changes Molly's clinginess a little.
Well, I'm about ready to pass out. Tomorrow it's Zumba in the am followed by a consignment appointment and a quiet afternoon. :-) sleep tight!

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