22 February 2010

Y'all, I have news! I have a guest post up at Classically Catholic!

Since Andrew and I decided that announcing the decision to homeschool felt like we were saying we were more committed to our children than non-homeschoolers, I'm not going to announce it.

Just mentioning my guest post. That's all.

I'd like to say a huge "thank you" to Ms. Suzanne for inviting me to post!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

We started a TORCH group in Mississippi before moving. I was speaking to one of the members last night who told me they were passing around copies of a blog post at their last meeting. All of the moms were enjoying the post, reading snippets to each other. I hear they were very encouraged by it. Guess who wrote the post. Hint:"Of course it was well written, she was homeschooled."