07 April 2011

days of whine and (snotty) noses

Y'all, I'm pooped out. I do believe I have a stretchmark on the way. I really thought I'd make it through three pregnancies with nary a scar. Well, other than the obvious. I bought cocoa butter today to soothe the horrible stinging and burning and itching. I've never had it this bad. I read today that male fetal DNA can be responsible for crazy skin conditions like PUPPP and the like - how weird is that? Since we really don't know if it's a boy or a girl, I can't comment, but it's an interesting theory. If this baby's a girl, we'll just go with the whole "stealing beauty" theory.

The house? Oh, it's...really old and still not ours. Let's just say that a major generation gap is making this a tad more difficult than we thought. At this point, God may have also washed HIS hands of it entirely, so I'll refrain from any "God's will" talk. Que sera!

I can't wait to get a computer so I can actually type up some of the crazy stuff these girls are saying and add a little video. They leave me speechless pretty much all day long. Can't wait til I can finally lay on my belly again and really play with them! Mo prefers to be under me 90 - 95% of the time, screaming while I "bite" her. That's a little hard when I have to be up on my knees. I'm still giving it my best, but it'll be nice to get some of those truly missed physical abilities back!

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