27 April 2011

The witty gritty.

I suppose if I hadn't spent the last 27 years honing my own wit, I'd be able to complain about Lucy's quick thinking. As it stands, this kid is just full of one-liners.

The girls helped me sort toys all morning, and I let them watch TV for a few minutes while I checked my email. Lucy asked for milk, and Molly yelled, "And me too!" and jumped up to follow me to the kitchen. Lucy put a hand on her arm and said, "Oh, don't get up, Mo. She'll bring it right to us." (Pardon?)

This morning I was in the kitchen making a snack and Lucy asked me to set the timer. It looks like an eggplant and they love to hear it ding. Lucy says to me, "Oh,  Daddy brought that timer to me from college. He got it when he was there. Daddies go to college. Mommies don't need college, but if you want to go someday, you can come with me." (I guess the $15k I'm still paying in loans is just the price of finding a nice man to procreate with.)

And my recent favorite:

Last night we were in the car waiting for Andrew so we could go out to dinner. The conversation went something like this: 
Mommy, I'm going to do math.

Oh, great!


Very good. What about 2+2?


Fantastic! 3+1?




Right! When you add a 1, the number is always the next highest. So 5+1?










Uhhh...I think it's ten.

Oh, ten! And ten rhymes with Ken, who is my boyfriend.

(please note - Lucy calls all of her little male friends "boyfriends." She's not dating yet.)

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