29 March 2007


Ok, I've gotta make this quick since LB will be here soon.
We got the house! Woop woop! We close on April 27th. I am very, very excited. To celebrate, we're going to Lowe's tonight to play with paint samples. But now our paint samples will be even more fun, cause we actually get to paint something!!
We have lots to do on the house, and I think we'll officially be sleeping there by the 15th of May. It looks like we're going to spend a lot our summer trying to get this place in shape. It's not bad, but boy will it look nice with everything repainted!
Tomorrow is our doctor's appointment. The nice ladies at Coldwell Banker took one look at me and told me that we'd have Lucy on the outside by the time we signed, but I'm not sure I trust these total strangers.
I'm going walking on the track with LB and Suzzy. Not jogging or running. And I'm taking my water bottle and my cell phone, so I'm allowed to go.
This is a very happy day. Did you know that tomorrow is Katherine's birthday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new house!