02 May 2007

Dear Lucy...

...it's 6:30am. I should still be sleeping, but I had to send your daddy to work, so I'm sitting here considering the pain in my back, and thinking that Wednesday is a perfectly nice day to be born. It would be very considerate of you to do this while I'm still free of stretchmarks...tomorrow I have an appointment, and I hate them, so I think we should get a move on and go into labor tooday, or even tonight.
I almost had a mental breakdown last night, and we still have cereal in the house, so we're considering fully stocked and ready to go. Just some food for thought...

In other news, we had a very violent thunderstorm last night and I thought we were going to die. At 1:30, it clapped so loud that your poor dad and I both jumped out of bed Three Stooges style and nearly killed each other in the process. It was terrifying.
I'm going back to bed.
~Your loving and decreasingly cheerful, comfortable and patient Mom

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