22 May 2007

No time...No time at all...

Well, it's 6:45am. We got to sleep in a little this morning. Life is a little easier with the pacifier. The three of us went to bed at 11 last night, and Lucy slept until 2:30, and then she ate a quick snack and slept til 5:30, when I stuck the pacifier in to buy another hour. She seems to be going between the pacifier and nursing pretty seamlessly, and would prefer tonurse, so I think it'll be a good way to keep her happy between feedings. I was starting to get pretty sore playing pacifier to her little sucking spurts. It's also a good way to get rid of hiccups, which are a recurring frustration for Lucy.
I feel terrible not having any time to keep up with my correspondence and emails. I got all of Lu's birth announcements done, and I am working on thank-you notes, but email is the last thing I have time for right now, and I have so many unanswered emails in my inbox. When I even have a second to devote to something other than the baby, I try to get housework done or catch up on paying bills or running errands. No wonder people hire housekeepers.
My birthday is next week! I am excited. Andrew told me that he's taking me shopping for my birthday, since I haven't been shopping for clothes since last spring. I am really excited- I need to feel human again. Not that my maternity jeans aren't great, but...
Andrew is unavailable all day. Those days are the longest for me, because he doesn't email me interesting things or call me. He has clients in all day and will be in a meeting from 8-4. Yuck. That also means that his other work is going ignored for the day, so he may end up staying late to catch up on some stuff. That doesn't change the fact that I need to figure out what to make for dinner.
Lucy and I are going to have a moderately quiet day. We need to go to walmart to buy diapers, so I think we're going to take a little walk around the mall. Maybe. We may just come home and sleep, too. But we do need diapers, and there is absolutely no way around that. And Lucy needs a bath, because she spit up all over herself last night and I'm holding her very far away from me trying not to smell her. That's a good sign that it's time for a bath. If I'd been more awake last night, I would have done it around 2am, but she slept so well I didn't have to make up fun activities in the middle of the night!

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

I just hate missing all of this!
I know you are just the best mom in the world and I wish I could be there!
I LOVE the pictures. Lucy is very photogenic. Even when she is asleep! I am so glad that you are taking LOTS!
We love and miss you guys!