07 October 2008

Long, Long Day.

Today was just never-ending. Lucy was awesome, of course, but we just had so much to do! We spent the morning cleaning upstairs and got EVERYTHING done that we had on our list. When we finished lunch we went to LaVale to do our party shopping. Extreme. Doesn't anyone sell ice buckets in this county? I need an ice bucket. I know the invite said "No gifts," but if you're searching for the perfect thing, it would be an ice bucket. Ugh.
We came home and put our stuff away, and then we set to cleaning the floors. That's not a child-friendly task. Lucy was sliding all over the place. Guess that'll be a Friday-When-Daddy's-Off task. So we waited for Andrew to get home and we all ate ice cream. We usually eat dinner when Andrew gets home, but whatever. He did the bath and bed routine and I set to shining my sink Fly Lady Style. It looks awesome. This pushed me to clean the whole kitchen, which is now equally awesome.
Andrew hung my bathroom shelves and they look lovely. It was quite a task, but they don't look like it! He did a great job. Now he's unwinding with the Wii and we're waiting for the debates! We're definitely going to make popcorn for this one.

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