30 October 2008

VBAC Decision Update

I sent Andrew a very long letter about my feelings, since he was out of town and I knew he'd have time to think on the plane. At least, I hope he's thinking right now. I hope we can have a nice, long talk when he gets home.
I also found a doula in the area and she knows a midwife. Yay! I'm going to meet with her, depending on what sort of a decision Andrew and I reach.
I've also hooked up with mothering.com and I'm hoping to encourage Andrew to take a look at the VBAC board. It's a great community and I really feel like I'm learning a lot already.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope everything goes well and a decision can be made that will make both of you happy :) I'm on the same ride you are... vbac. I didn't know that's what you were aiming for, but I will be here for support if you need it!

~fellow nestie~kiliwicket :)