16 October 2008


Well, Lucy and I will not be attending the field trip to Higson's Farm today. Lucy decided that a nap was a far more pertinent choice than riding around in a dusty field, so we'll be postponing our trip and having lunch with Daddy today instead. That thrills me. Not only do I get to see Lover Boy in the middle of the day, but I get to eat a cheesesteak sub, too! Hooray!
We watched the debate last night. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. I am disappointed. It's going to be an ugly two weeks. McCain did ok, Obama did ok. Whatever. I like McCain, but he really hasn't said much in the past little while that's going to impress anyone. Obama is creepy. He's shadier than a redwood grove and incredibly smooth. That just unnerves me. If he gets in, this country is in a world of hurt.


Janet said...


Thought you might enjoy this blog.

Take care!

Suzzy said...

your incredibly liberal friend loves and misses you! :o)