25 November 2008

What's In Your Underwear Drawer?

We will be having my parents and brothers over for Thanksgiving, so I've been cleaning the house up and today Lucy and I are tackling the bedroom. I decided to organize my underwear drawer. Simple, right? Not really. Here's what I found:

Bag of shells
Wooden box of firecrackers
3 industrial screw-in hooks
4 tubes of chapstick
2 picture frames
Purple marker
Pennies. Lots of pennies.
Hair elastics
Box of bobby pins
Unopened bottle of lotion

I have no idea how all this stuff got in there, but it was a little like shopping at a hardware store. Lucy is now watching Blue's Clues on our bed and will be attempting nap #2 in very short order. Nap #1 was a bust. We're going to try again around 1:30.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HaHa!! I just did that 2 days ago. My underwear drawer had:
-4 bandannas
-3 teeny bathing suits that don't fit (one was from about 10 years ago)
-a floral box with bobby pins, a broken necklace, two pairs of earrings I've never seen before and one hoop earring
-one green sock
-an empty bottle of oxycodone
-the car adapter for my massage chair.

Mine's not even as interesting as yours was!!