12 February 2009

Feb 11th - A Day in the Love

He's a good sport. Whether it's dressing in matching colors for family pictures or giving in during a silly argument, Andrew is always willing to accept and move on. Neither of us are particularly stubborn and we're both willing to ask forgiveness, so that really does make it ten times easier. I can't count on both hands and feet the number of times I've heard Andrew say, "I stand corrected," and that makes a big difference in a marriage. A spouse who's willing to be "wrong" is a spouse who's willing to let his significant other be "right," and sometimes you need to be right to feel like a real person. Andrew is so easy to disagree with, because he's just so easy to get along with in the first place. Being a stay-at-home mom can really challenge your mental status sometimes, and Andrew understands that I need the space to be the "boss" sometimes, just so I feel like I'm making a real difference and using my head. He's always there to reign me in gently and carefully, but I appreciate how sensitive he is to my need to organize over and over and re-hash seemingly simple decisions, if for no other reason than to work my mind. He's a good sport, and I love that.

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