10 June 2009

A Good Day

It's starting out well, folks. Last night's showing was really, really positive. They saw six and have narrowed it down to our house and one outside of town. I took the girls out for a walk when they got here and as I was leaving I heard the girl say, "Oh! This one's not tacky!" So....there you have it. My house is not tacky.
My trusty car is back and the brakes are fixed! (To the tune of $450, but that's neither here nor there.)
We have another showing this morning, so us ladies are going to head to Gabe's to see what we find. I need a bathroom rug and light bulbs. Whee! This afternoon, we're just going to do naps and RELAX! We've spent so much time and energy cleaning that we really haven't had a chance to just sit down and play! Well, the girls and I haven't. Andrew and I went to Walmart together last night. As usual, that was a bad idea. We came home with a movie, milk and Double Stuf Oreos. It was major cheating, but it was nice to just watch our movie and hang out for the night. :-)
Andrew took tomorrow and Friday off to do more house stuff, so that'll be nice. 4 days with my honey bun! Okay folks, more later!

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