17 June 2009

I want another baby.

I can't help myself. I do. Molly isn't just easy. She's a dream baby. I don't feel like I have two yet, to be honest. I don't know that it's even wanting another baby so much as just wanting a little more chaos. I must be on glue.

Well, today has been a bit long and terribly boring. The electrician came by today and fixed our hallway light! Yay! It was a long time coming. Other than that, we're having a rainy day. I took the girls out and braved the weather to return some library books and buy lettuce. I'm just crazy like that. I came home to an escrow surplus check and our new lease agreement in the mail. Whoopee! Unexpected money is always fabulous, and our lease agreement is awesome too, I suppose. I think we're going to move July 11th. 7/11 sounds lucky to me, and Andrew and I live to beat the odds, so it seems fated.

Our new house will be a very large, very old and somewhat dilapidated farmhouse on 110 acres, about 20 minutes from here. It's a 4-bedroom with tons of room for the girls to run. We don't know how long we'll be there, but on the off chance it's a long time, we have room to spread out. We're excited about spending the rest of our summer there, at the very least. Lucy is very excited about living next to cows, and Andrew is very excited about living next to a fishing stream. I'm very excited about hearing nature again. It was like coming home when we stepped out of the car and heard nothing but birds and running water. The house was built in 1830, so it could use some TLC, but the owners have been working really hard and it's in awesome shape for as old as it is. It's tempting to make it permanent and official out there. Wait'll you see pictures. Nothing but trees, grass, and blue sky for miles. The best news is, sweet Maple gets to come with us! I answered the "no pets" ad and took Lucy and Mo out to charm them. Once they envisioned Lucy running barefoot through their fields and chose us from among 10 families to rent the place, I casually mentioned the heartbreak of leaving Lucy's best friend behind they were happy to welcome her to the farm, too. Luce will be so happy to have "MoMo" at her new house. She keeps saying, "I like the house! I like the farm!"

Let's see...in other news, the house stuff is going well. Our buyers have been approved for their financing and the structural inspection is on Friday morning. Say a prayer around 9:30am EST! After that we just have to sit and wait until closing day. I think we're going to get out and go camping for a weekend, as well as packing and moving, so we'll be too busy to sit around and bite our nails.

Tomorrow the girls and I are going to the zoo! We're terribly excited! Our playgroup is chartering a bus, so Lucy gets to ride with all of her friends and spend the day with the animals! We have to meet the bus at 7:30, so I need to spend tonight packing and getting ready. So exciting! I'll post pics tomorrow night!

Well, that's about it around here. We have a big day at the lake planned for this weekend, so hopefully the weather will cooperate. On Sunday the girls and I plus Maple will be heading downstate for Paul's show and lots of Merkel family fun with Andrew is on a business trip. I can't wait for the show!


Jessica said...

The house sounds amazing! Exactly what we have been looking for!

Emily said...

I really wanted to mention what a lovely - even quintessential - long term residence this new house sounded like. But I was afraid of immediate heartbreak that would surely ensue if I did. But since you said it first, I felt it was ok. I won't hold my breath or anything, but... I'm just saying. Oh! And I got your camping email - ex-cit-ing!!!

Emily said...

I hear July-August is a great time to conceive...