10 June 2009


I can see that there are about a billion people reading right now, so if you see this post, start praying! We're getting a second visit from last night's lookers, and it sounds like we'll be getting an offer. Can you even imagine? One day on the market wouldn't be so bad, now, would it?


Suzzy said...

WOW! prayers and well wishes are coming your way!

SpunkyToes said...

Good luck!!!

Kandi said...

That would be great news! I'm praying for you guys.
I'll be in town this weekend for my 10 year reunion. Maybe we can meet up... I have a date with D'Atris on Sunday, would you like to come?!

Lisa Marie said...

WOW!!! OH MY GOSH how AMAZING is that!?? Please keep us posted... I said a prayer just now! Where do you think you will move into for now if you do sell the house!?
Love you all- HUGS :) -Lisa

Katie E. said...

Holy moley!! That's amazing! How come you get all the luck? Oh that's right, you married Andrew...