12 June 2009

I should mention...

...how awesome the past 24 hours have been. I'm just having a great day already. Tomorrow is our yard sale, so I'm totally pumped about that. Today we have to haul everything into the hallway and finish arguing about what's going. We also need to figure out what we're going to SET things on. We might call Fr. Ed and beg him for a couple of tables.
I also have a massage this morning. Don't worry, it's not for fun. :-( I can't wait for my back to start healing a little bit. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but all the Tylenol in the world isn't working anymore. I'm not a "pain" person and anyone who knows me knows that I never stop moving. I have a really hard time feeling broken.
I got Lucy a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD last night. She's in heaven! Uh-oh, trash day! Gotta go!

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