30 June 2009

What to do when you have the flu?

Potty train your 2-year-old, of course.

I must be insane. It looks like this is going to be a several-day bug with my fever coming and going, so since I'm just sitting around and trying to recover anyway...we decided to give it a go. Thank the Lord Grandma will be here this weekend and we'll have another set of hands! (And she thinks she's coming up for burgers and fireworks...) ;-) Andrew's mama is such a dear. She's volunteered several times to drop everything and come up to take care of us, but we're managing to manage so far. Can't wait to see her this weekend as we begin packing and enjoy some grilled food and fun!


Katie E. said...

Insanity takes a human form in Laura Cooke...

Lisa Marie said...

hey :) thanks for the flu... lol grandma is here today with my kids, came down with it last night! it SUCKS. i so hope you feel better asap. i can't take anything for this pounding migraine due to pregnancy, so i'm just using tylenol and ice packs. sighhh... pray for me! going back to bed now. good luck with potty training and have fun this weekend. love you all! happy 4th

Anonymous said...

This, too, shall pass!! You are getting better.
Have a great week-end, whatever you do.
Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa H.