10 July 2007

Behold the Swaddle!

Well, after 2 months we're finally getting this nonsense figured out. Lucy likes being wrapped in her blanket, but likes having her arms out. I decided yesterday that we're not doing that anymore. The more I thought about it, I realized she's waking herself up at night long before she's ready to get up because she's startling herself awake through the night. I've tried the arms-in swaddle two days in a row for napping, and she's much happier. I think tonight we're going to see if we can do a real swaddle all night long. I cranked up the a/c and wrapped her up tight, and she's just snoozing like a little burrito. Could this be the turning point for decent sleep at night?? Now I know why my fellow Nesties are having panic attacks over weaning their babies from swaddling...

1 comment:

Tricia said...

My oldest son LOVED being swaddled. We swaddled him until he was ALMOST ONE! lol My second son HATED the swaddle..I was beside myself with what to do with the child, because at this point I had 2 babies (18 mos apart) and REALLY REALLY wanted to sleep. My youngest is 5 and I haven't had a full nights sleep in 5 years. He's really cute though...so I let it slide! ;)