12 July 2007

The Neatest Gift Ever!

So, I am still wading through thank-you notes, but I wanted to touch on the coolest thing I've received. I've always sworn I would never wear my children's picture on my person, but when this came in the mail, I fell in love! This was made by Aunt Terri, who is obviously very talented! She put little tiny pics of Lucy and Andrew in tiny little frames, and it's so beautiful! I never thought I'd want to wear pictures on Lucy, but she's so sweet and cute, and I just want to show her to everyone!! This was the most thoughtful and perfect gift for a proud new mommy.

This leads me to my second funny thing. At our wedding reception, a thoughtful groomsman thought he was doing us a favor by taking the cards off the gifts and throwing them into a basket. So when we opened a card without a name in it, we didn't know who to thank. It had a gorgeous bracelet with our names on it, and we were in love with this piece of jewelry, and had no idea who to thank for it- and now we know! So, we have finally solved this little mystery we've been talking about for over a year!
Anyway, just wanted to share this really neat thing- I'm wearing it to Lu's baptism and will show everyone then! Thank You for such a lovely and thoughtful gift!


Kandi said...

It's so beautiful!

Jennifer Merkel said...

Thoughtful and talented, a very high standard to reach for!
Thanks for a beautiful heirloom!