10 July 2007


Busy busy day ahead of me...I have to call Red Ridge, but I have no idea what to tell them is wrong with the car, and I don't want to talk to Bruce, since he told me to get rid of the Saturn last time he saw me...I'm going to get in trouble for keeping her and bringing her in again...
Lucy is napping. She's so stinkin' cute. She was up to eat once last night, and then her Daddy turned on the light when he changed her, so she woke up and wanted to nurse back to sleep, but I think she wouldn't have needed it otherwise.
I have a ton of cleaning to do today, and I need to give Miss Lucy a bath. I also need to call our new landlord and find out if he has a move date for us yet. I also need to get the laundry to the laundry lady, but this will be difficult, because my car is on the fritz. I also need to reserve a car for Friday. I'm going to have to run the car down to Red Ridge, which is bad because I'll have to walk back up the hill with Lu in the stroller, and it's scorching hot already...sigh. Guess I need to call Andrew and find out what he needs me to tell Bruce.

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