24 January 2010

as heard in the living room.

(should be recited with a decent amount of hopping, shouting and booty-shaking)

Patty cake, patty cake
Bakes you a man

Make me a man
Fast as you can

With a roll roll roll
And a pat pat pat!

Asses, asses
We all fall down!

Catchy, isn't it?


Katie E. said...

I think that's going to catch on!! See if you can get her to do it again and you'll get a million hits on youtube.... ;)

Lisa Marie said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I really Laughed Out Loud for like 5 minutes after reading this... Please tell Lucy I love her and that she absolutely just made my day :) hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, this is just too funny!!
So glad you have recorded this. Lucy will just LOVE it someday.
Have been enjoying your blogs so much. You are all doing so well and we are happy for you. Miss you, too!!
Hugs to each and every one.
Grandma and Grandpa H.