17 December 2008

My shrinking belly.

Well, we got 4 inches of snow yesterday and woke up to an inch of ice on top of everything this morning. I've been given strict orders not to go outside, which is a bummer but I don't disagree with Andrew on this at all. It looks really bad out there. So Lucy and I are going to clean the loft and her bedroom today, since we have all day to spend in the house. We need to gear up for "Goodwill Day" next week. Andrew just has to work tomorrow and for a few hours on Monday and then he's out for quite awhile, so we're trying to think of things to do to get ready for Christmas. We decided that Tuesday will be Goodwill Day and we plan to take a carful of stuff in! A lot of that will be clothes and baby stuff, since we have some stuff that we didn't use with Lu and won't use with PJ, either.
I hear the sound of a full toddler, so I have some hand wiping to do. Must go!

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

So what about your belly?