22 December 2008

Please God, make it stop.

We woke up to frozen pipes and a good leak. Yay! The plumber is here and it's too cold for Maple to be outside, so she's teetering on that fine line between killing the plumber and loving Lucy to death. She LOVES Lucy, but love to Maple is a tiny hand in her mouth, just for closeness. Lucy doesn't feel the same way. I had to put Maple out for a little while so that she doesn't kill the plumber, but it's actually TOO COLD for her to be outside today. Sigh. How is it ever too cold for a Saint Bernard? Aren't the Swiss Alps a lot more flipping cold than Frostburg? Honestly...

It's 0 degrees right now, but it feels like 15 below! What a nice way to start a week. Andrew had to go to work today because of some messiness last week, but by this afternoon he'll be back and we'll all be happy again. I think Lucy and I are going to go out today and head to LaVale to just be a little warmer for a bit. We also have to buy insulation for our pipes. Sigh.

In the meantime, we have ornaments to paint! This should be messy and painstaking...

1 comment:

dugmel said...

Isn't it nice to own your own home?*S* It's all worth it. The first year you will be fixing small things, then you can relax.