16 December 2008

Something our mothers would never approve of...

Well, the dining room is DONE, and boy does it look pretty! I scrubbed for way too long, but it's just so clean! Andrew is working from home today, due to a big snowstorm and bad roads. He said, "You scrub that floor any harder, your baby is going to fall out." I replied, "Well that's ok, because my floors are so clean they're sterile."
I'm just glad neither my mother nor my mother-in-law witnessed that. They would have chained me to my bed for sure.
We are getting SO much snow. Bleh. I think we have about 4 inches now and it doesn't look like it's going to stop...Lucy and I will go out and measure in the morning. One of our friends stopped by today and dropped off some snow boots for her, so she's going to be thrilled to play in the snow tomorrow! She spent most of the afternoon walking around in her diaper and snow boots. Quite the statement. I'll have to post pics a little bit later, after Miss Thang goes to bed and my dining room is reassembled. Andrew is upstairs on another conference call and Lucy is watching "That's So Raven." You'd think she'd have no interest in tween programming, but we're on a Blue's Clues hiatus because our DVD player is on the fritz. It's been a shaky couple of days, but I think we'll pull through...I have no idea what happened, but she's just not working all of a sudden. Looks like we'll be going DVD player shopping when the snow finally stops falling.
Well, back to my cleaning. This nesting thing is no joke.


Lisa Marie said...

Your sister in law would not approve either!!! Why the need to CLEAN the floors!? I'm kidding, i wish i was motivated to clean the floors... you'll probably never do it again after Pheobe arrives LOL. Just BE NICE to your back would ya!? Heating pad and tylenol at bedtime!!! :) and stop scrubbing. loveya

Anonymous said...

Watch out Laura scrubbing the floors like that...I went into labor the night I scrubbed the kitchen floor with Maddie...she came 3 weeks early and breech so that warranted a c-section. I didn't know I was actually in labor just had the lower back ache....labor!

But, she had wanted to start coming too early. At six months I went into pre-term labor with her. Guess she was more impatient than me. We got so far as the hospital asking my weight for flying me to Seattle it came that close...scary.

But, it is hard when the nesting bug hits.

Enjoy the snow from the inside. We have some here too. Meg and Maddie are disappointed so far that school hasn't been cancelled.

We are out for Winter Break after Friday so that will be nice to be off for two weeks. Gotts love a school job!

Love you,
Give Lucy a hug and kiss from her grandpa and grandma. (aunties too),
Tammy :)

dugmel said...

I bet your place looks wonderful!You know it's best to keep active and will help you in the birthing process. Lucy sure is keeping you busy and us very amused with her cute antics, she is so adorable. Have a great holiday!
Love, Aunt Linnie and Uncle Doug