20 June 2007

Movin' On Up!

Well, Lucy is sleeping- we will see how long this lasts.
Last night, Andrew came home and we went to see a new apartment. And we're taking it! It's a really big 3 bedroom in the middle of downtown Frostburg. We're really excited. We will have the space to give Lu her own room, decorate an office/guest room, eat at a dining room table and store the stroller. These have been our biggest wishes so far. And, our rent is still super low. Low enough that we're buying a new car! Woo! We don't know what kind of new car yet, but something. We plan on moving in the middle of July, and we will be living there until Andrew finishes his master's degree. I'm not sure how long that is- maybe 2 years? A year and a half? He says four years, but he's silly. He's half done now. Silly boy.
Then we went to LaVale and watched Andrew play basketball. He was whoopin' up all over the place. He got all hot and sweaty, so we stopped at Arby's on the way home for soda. We also made a plan for me to start getting back in shape. I only have about 10 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but the weight isn't the issue. It's the muscle tone I want back! I'd like to lose about 25 pounds from here and get my tummy back.
So, this morning Lucy and I got up at 6:30 to beat the heat, and we went out for a 2.5 mile walk/run. I tried to run 50% of it. That's hard to do, considering the fact that I'm still breastfeeding. All in all, it was a good workout, and I was pooped when I got home. But boy, do I feel good now! I think I'll do this Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Fridays Andrew can either come with me or stay home with Lucy on his off days. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'd like to do more toning exercises and go out for a more leisurely walk with Andrew in the evenings.
Lucy did not sleep last night. I moved her into the Pack N Play bassinet because she's rolling now, and the cosleeper is getting too small for her wiggling. But I think the movement of the PNP kept her sleeping too lightly. I might just pull the PNP mattress out and put it on the floor for her tonight. We HAVE to get a better night's sleep tonight. Hm. Moving Day is her cut-off date for sleeping with Mommy and Daddy. She'll be 10 weeks then, and I think she'll probably be sleeping a lot better, so it's time for her to move out! I know she loves to cuddle in our bed, and we'll probably still do the 5am cuddle, but we'll probably do it on the couch instead.
Well, Lucy and I have nothing to do today. I am re-working our household budget, but I am having issues with my current spreadsheet, so I think I am going to make a new one. The one I have is too disorganized. Hm.


Kandi said...

Congrats on finding a new apartment! Yay! Good job on the 2.5 miles. You'll be jogging the whole way before you know it!

Jennifer Merkel said...

Hey, you are such an over achiever!
We are looking forward to seeing the new place!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear about your apartment, getting in shape and that Lucy has already rolled over! She seems so young for that, but there is only one Lucy Cooke, too!
Love you,
Grandma Susie