30 June 2007

Bonnie Blue

Well, this needs to be posted right away.After much discussion and deliberation, Andrew bought a '72 Ford F100 to call his own. He found this truck months and months ago, and Andrew prayed almost nightly that no one would buy it until he could. We went to look at it in March, and the owner told us he put it in the garage about 16 years ago and was just selling it to get rid of it. He wanted $500 for it. Well, "Big Blue" stayed in that garage in Cumberland for a long time, and Andrew stayed in Frostburg dreaming about her. We decided last week that we should just buy her and see what happened, and Jesse offered to give Andrew the garage to keep her in. So, Andrew picked her up today, and he and Brian and Montana decided to buy a battery and some spark plugs and see what happened. They spent a good part of the evening trying to remove the rusty old spark plugs, and finally got the new ones on around 10 tonight. Well, wouldn't you know that big old truck just roared to life! The headlights work, the tail lights work, the dome light works and the radio works. "Big Blue" just charmed Andrew, and he decided it was time to give her a proper name. I suggested "Bonnie Blue," and it sounds like it's going to stick. So, it looks like Andrew and Bonnie have started something wonderful. Pics are posted below. The smiles on his face are just priceless!

(Oh yeah- the truck is too big for the garage...)

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