09 June 2007


Oh my, what a wonderful night!
Andrew came home early yesterday, around 1, which was so nice! He and Lucy napped, I read my book, it was blissful. We went out to Jerry's Pizza for dinner around 6, and then the three of us wandered around Lowe's. We called Mindy to see if she wanted to go to a movie, and we planned to meet at the theater at 9:15. We fed Lucy to the point of bursting, and she slept through the entire movie! We got out around 11:30, and Lucy slept in her carseat til 12:45. I put her in her cosleeper then, and she slept til 2. Sleeping from 9-2, and here Andrew and I were not taking advantage by sleeping! But she woke up at 2 and we nursed ourselves back to sleep and woke up around 4 to finish the job. It's 7:30 now and she and Daddy are still in bed- I can hear her in there just yelling up a storm. She's such a talker! I can hear him making kissy noises at her, so I guess everyone is up for the day. And we're out of milk. Argh.

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