12 April 2007

Chest Pain & House Stuff

Maybe the chest pain is from the house issues. I am not a good house buyer. I can't keep any of this stuff straight.

Anyway, we had a very nice day yesterday with April. We made cookies, and dinner, and did some webisodes for the blog, and watched some tv. It was so fun having her up!
Last night around 7 I started getting bad chest pains, so I called my doctor and he said I could come in the ER if I wanted, or I could just go to sleep and see how I felt in the morning. I'm still feeling a little sluggish, but I think I just over-exerted myself yesterday.
We're still working out some house stuff- it seems like this is just turning into one big headache. He really needs to start on the house. I took April over there today, and nothing has been started, and we close in two weeks. So...I don't know. We're still working out some inspection stuff, and I hope it gets taken care of soon.
We just had two very big thunders here, and Andrew is at work. I don't like big thunders when I'm minus a snugglebuddy. Maybe a glass of milk will help.
Andrew's parents are coming up on Saturday! I am very excited.
OH OH OH! Someone is going to come look at the car tomorrow! Woooooooop! I am praying SO hard that we sell her soon...I am a little afraid of showing the car by myself, since it's a buy who's coming, I think. I don't even know how to sell a car. Maybe I can get him to come by around 5pm so Andrew can be here to take him out for a drive. I don't want to be alone with a stranger. I guess we should go to the storage unit tonight and find the title. I don't know how to do a title transfer thingy...Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you can transfer the title at the MVA. It is fairly easy. I think it costs about $30.