13 April 2007


Last night was a rough one.
1) We had 50mph wind all night, and the house was rocking all over. Scary.
2) I had bad dreams.
3) So bad Andrew moved to the couch where I couldn't hurt him anymore.
4) The baby has officially dropped, and I can't bend over. That has nothing to do with last night, actually.

So, I'm told we're supposed to get a huge snowstorm on Sunday night. This would be bad. Just our luck, Lucy would decide that Sunday would be the perfect time to show her face. I mean, seriously...snow in the middle of April? Only in Frostburg...
It's still teribly windy. I'm going to get cozy and read for awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frostburg weather is quite crazy and inpredictable! It snowed this past Saturday a few inches down on the Eastern shore (where my brother lives). They hadn't seen any snow actually lay down there all winter... and it happened in the spring. Who'd of thought.